Uimaharju heating plant

Commercial operation started: 2002

Owner and operator: Eno Energy Cooperative

Boilers: 1 MWth + 1 MWth (+ 1 MWth heating oil boiler as backup system)

Combustion method: mechanical grate

Feeding: Stoker dischargers and drag chain conveyors

Fuel storage: 300 loose-m³

Heated volume: 93 000 m³; the primary and secondary school, the health centre and the municipal community centre church building and fifteen terraced houses

Heating pipe network: 4 000 m

Heat production: 5 000 MWh a year

Fuel consumption: aprx. 9 000 loose-m³ of woodchips

Applicable fuels: woodchips, wood pellets and heating oil as backup)

Controlling: Automated GSM alarm and network connection for adjustment

Equipment manufacturer: Vaasan Kuljetuskanavat Oy